Tuesday 14 August 2012

How To Be A Great Kisser!

There is no such thing as “the perfect kiss.” Each kiss can be perfect in its own right and in that moment, and every kiss shared between a couple is special (or should be anyway).
Just in case you haven’t been getting a lot of lip-action lately, or the your partner runs for the hills after that first kiss, or maybe you just want some awesome tips on how to get him/her weak in the knees using just your lips n tongue, well I’ve got your back. Here are a few basic tips that, once applied, would make you a kissin’ champ in no time.
Pucker up for smooth lips – Exfoliate your lips with a damp toothbrush. Use chapstick or lip balm regularly to prevent chapped lips.
Mind your breath – Don’t eat onion or garlic if you want to smooch any time soon. We’re not just talking during the dinner date, but the night before. Because onion and garlic odors originate from the lungs (not the mouth) and can last for 24 to 48 hours, simple brushing or breath mints won’t completely erase the smell.
Freshen up – That being said, it never hurts to clean out your mouth after consuming tricky foods, so try eating a lemon or a sprig of fresh mint or parsley to cope with the odor.

You may know the techniques of how to kiss well, but to get the greatest impact; you should understand how to kiss with purpose. Tailor your kisses to the situation in which they occur. Kissing as part of foreplay should generate heat and a goodnight kiss can be more tender and gentle.
Your partner wants to experience what it’s like to have close, physical contact with you. Never kiss with a cold mouth. Set the ice cream aside and let your mouth reach body temperature again before going in for a smooch. Don’t kiss right after brushing your teeth. Your partner wants to taste you, not your toothpaste or food.
Knowing how to kiss with purpose includes knowing the types of kisses; the affectionate kiss, the passionate kiss and tongue kissing. No matter what type of kiss you’re interested in sharing with your partner, having kissable lips will only improve the experience for both of you.
An affectionate kiss is a short, closed-mouth kiss and can be done in public. Its purpose is to help reinforce a couple’s bond.

The passionate kiss is performed with a partly-opened mouth, overlapping another, and usually lasts longer than a minute. It can be the passionate kiss that occurs after a great first date. You know; that “good night kiss” that makes your knees wobbly and awaken the butterflies in your stomach.

Playful tongue kissing that mimics sex can act as foreplay. For maximum pleasure for both you and your partner, aim for smooth, bare, kissable lips on a warm and odor-free mouth. This should make tongue kissing a frenzied affair for both.

Kissing is about more than just the lips (and tongue). Think about what you’re doing with your body while engaging in a kiss. Put your hand on his/her jaw and neck while kissing. Run a hand through your partner’s hair or put your hands on the small of their back. Keep your head vertical and use less head tilt to deliver your passionate kisses.

Try these tips for being a great, passionate kisser:

Start off with a tender, lip-centric kiss. Then, add a little tongue toward the end.

Tilt your head to the side as you slip your partner the tongue.

Be wary of going overboard with your tongue. You’re not trying to play tonsil hockey! Gently explore your partner’s mouth with the tip of your tongue until you get into a rhythm with one another.

Don’t be afraid to give a soft nibble when kissing passionately. Use your lips to pull your partner’s bottom lip into your mouth and very gently bite the lip. Don’t draw blood! The only mark you should leave will be in his or her mind.

Kissing is a two-way street, and it’s important to communicate—either verbally or physically—with your partner about what kissing techniques work best for the two of you. The best way to be a great kisser is to devote yourself entirely to the moment, both physically and mentally. Loosen-up, relax and get lost in the experience.
Of course, you’ll always want to pay close attention to things like breath (avoid garlic and overly strong mints) and tongue placement (don’t shove it in his mouth, or be too timid about using it), but don’t get so hung up on the rules that you forget to have fun.
To be a great kisser, you have to have passion about what you are doing. So, pucker up, and enjoy the ride. In no time, you’ll be a master lip-locker.

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