Thursday 26 July 2012

July 26, 2012: Lades and gents we havebeen TRYING OUR DARNDEST not to GO IN onJanet Jackson - given how much we love hermusic. But we're about THISCLOSE to beingthrough with that B*TCH!!Michael Jackson's eldest son Prince Michaeltook to Twitter and released TEXT MESSAGESshowing that Janet CONSPIRED to keep thechildren away from their grandmother, andlegal guardian Katherine Jackson. Withoutcontact with their guardian - the childrenwere virtually UNSUPERVISED FOR NINE DAYS!!!Here is what Prince Michael had to say:I would first like to start off this tweetby thanking the fans that have alwaysstood by me and my family, my dad reallyappreciated your support and I stilltreasure it to this day. As I am sureeveryone is well aware of the eventsthat have been going on. I have beenholding off on backing up my sister andher tweets avidly because I was waitingfor the time to reveal my side.As long as I can remember my dad hadrepeatedly warned me of certain peopleand their ways. Although I am happy mygrandma was returned, after speakingwith her I realized how misguided andhow badly she was lied to. I’m really angryand hurt.The following image is of a group chat Ihad started to several family members.This group text message I had startedwas replied to but they didn’t know that Icould see the responses. For this wholetime, they denied us contact to ourgrandmother. “If you continue with yourlies I will continue with the truth”-Michael Jackson Jr.Tags: dad, darndest, eldest son, familymembers, grandma, grandmother, group text,janet jackson, katherine jackson, lades, legalguardian, michael jackson, nine days, prince,prince michael, son releas

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