Saturday 9 June 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Kanye West Gives Kim Kardashian A HUGE Diamond Ring This Morning . . . Are They ENGAGED??? (Details And PICS)

just got BREAKING NEWS this morning. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are "betrothed" to each other. Not engaged . . . but close to it. You see, Kanye recognizes that Kim is STILL LEGALLY MARRIED to Kris Humphries. And that if he were to PROPOSE to Kim, it could NEGATIVELY impact her divorce case.

But according to a ROCK solid snitch, Kanye gave Kim a DIAMOND RING this morning - in front of his friends (which included Jay Z and Beyonce). The ring, we're told is just a FRIENDSHIP ring but the rock is in it, isHUGE. And most people, when they look at it, will consider it an ENGAGEMENT RING.

The whole EVENT, which we're told WAS photographed, took place in IRELAND - where they are celebrating Kanye's birthday.

We're working in getting pics of the ring. But knowing Kim . . . she'll be photo'd with it ANY MINUTE NOW!!!

Members of the press are REQUIRED to credit with the EXCLUSIVE REPORT!!

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