Monday 6 February 2012

Nigeria: It’s A Matter Of Upbringing.

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”- Proverbs 22:6. This passage in the Holy Book, the Bible, is arguably the most recommendable for children’s upbringing – both for Christian and non-Christian parents. It therefore places on the parents the ultimate right and responsibility for raising better children, therefore, making up a healthier society. This advice also ties most, if not all, of the culpability of a child’s undesirable character and choice of direction to its parent(s). While it’s highly commendable for parents to teach their children (wards) the times of life they live in, it’s equally pertinent that these parents train them in the way they should go. Those compelled under One-Nigerian society, more than having been infested with all manner of abominations, still have the opportunity for a better tomorrow; this opportunity is seen by the free gift of God in our children. This is why St. Paul rightly said, ““All things are lawful,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful,” but not all things build up.”- 1 Corinthians 10:23 (ESV) Parents need to teach their children properly and bring them up to meet up with the vast challenges of today’s world; however, the word of wisdom from God should take the center stage in every child’s upbringing. ( Continues below..... )

Map of Nigeria

Photo Above: Map of Nigeria showing some major cities, including Enugu and Federal capital (Abuja or FCT)

It’s a matter of upbringing. Talk to a prostitute today, and if she breaks down enough to open up, you are sure to hear of the failure of her parents in her upbringing. Leave this group and move on to the robbers and kidnappers we have everywhere in Nigeria today, if they are drunk enough to open up, you will be shocked to hear that they were ignored by their fathers or parents. Leave these groups of “brought-up” children and go to the militants; you surely will not mistake the culpability of their parents’ silence cushioned by whoever they have resolved to lay the blame on. It should be noted, also, that the highly callous leaders we have in the society today were once children, and at the bottom of their wickedness lays the fault of wrong parenting. Man, in many ways, is like a field for crops - take “proper” care of it and you are sure to stand as the proud owner of “that filed; but, let it grow as it pleases, and you will not mistake the imprint of your neglects on it. Even if you move forward a bit to look at our children in different unlawful and disgraceful activities today, you will not mistake the role of the parents and how they have goaded them on in the wrong paths. And you can be sure today that those in Nigeria bombing and killing innocent people all over the country in the name of religion had some roots of their convictions traced down to their parents.

It’s a matter of upbringing. As a country, Nigeria, though forced on all, has played the role of the first parent to all presently tied to its name. This therefore implies that, with all the responsibilities allocated to parents at their children’s birth, the country’s root has a greater role to play in the upbringing of its children (citizens). Therefore, rightly, a country may be referred to as “the mother of all her citizens;” that tells, in a long way, why a country may be referred to with a feminine gender; she plays the role of a mother to her children. But looking around today and having seen the failures of parenthood in many families in Nigeria, one should not also forget that the burden of parenthood was made heavier and near impossible by the society which the amalgamation of Nigeria compelled on all. In Nigeria, children are raised to follow their fancy- not their dreams. Many who wanted to be medical doctors ended up as petrochemical engineers, some who wanted to become musicians saw themselves as politicians, while some Nigerian musicians today still have holes in their hearts or have not met their innermost desires. Others started out as Imams and holy preachers but ended up with bombs and explosives around their waists. This is the story of failed parenting. The foundation of Nigeria was built under British insatiable desire for wealth, compulsion and extortion. This very spirit which drove them into Nigeria and necessitated their compulsion of ever-diverging nations under one name for their selfish end is the very spirit which has ruled Nigeria since independence. As a result, this very spirit of selfishness, depravity and darkness has now become the very spirit which runs and drives the lives of our children. ( Continues below..... )

Photo Above: Police officer collecting N20.00 note at a roadblock

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